My Best Teaching Is One-on-One


Of course, I team teach and do special lessons, etc.


But my best work in the classroom is after the lesson is over --
going one-on-one,
helping individual students with their assignments.


It's kind of like with computer programs, walking the client through hands-on.
The job isn't really done until the customer is using the program.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pet Peeves -- よく苛立つもの : One Hundred And Twenty-five -- 百そして二十五

The NHK Radio Language programs are pretty good quality programs.
NHK の外国語ラジオ番組は質のまあまあ良い方の番組です。

But they do make mistakes.

This year, they got a fast start on some common mistakes. One of them is a pet peeve of mine.

"And" in numbers is for between the integer part and the fraction:

179.34 is one hundred seventy-nine and thirty-four one hundredths.

It is not one hundred and seventy-nine and thirty-four one hundredths.

125 is one hundred twenty-five, not one hundred and twenty-five.

Sure, in conversation it goes either way, according to the habits of the speaker. And if you go back a couple of hundred years, people wrote strange things like "five-and-twenty". (Oh. That's still a phrase in idiomatic use.)
きっと、会話にはどちもをよく言うのです。話す人のくせによるものです。まあ、およそ二百年前に遡ると「五と二十」のように、 "five-and-twenty" のような書き方もありました。(あっ、それは現在でも熟語となっています。)

Now, peeves are not really something one should pet.

And I have no problem with individual use, even in public. I even encourage it, tell people it's good to develop personal dialects.

And I encourage teachers to teach what they know, and not get hung up on rules.

But it is better to teach the standard if you know it, especially on a national radio education program.

It's okay to mention common non-standard usage, too. But the beginners' program, Kiso Eigo One, this morning (a repeat of last Wednesday) did not even mention the standard usage.
標準外の表現も、取り上げてもいいでしょう。ただね、基礎英語1の番組の(これは先週の水曜日の繰り返しでしたが)今朝のレッスンに標準の表現の "seven hundred seventy-seven" をサッと言うこともなく、

Seven hundred and seventy-seven. 

That's what they said, not the standard "seven hundred seventy-seven".

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