English education in Japan had been improving. It really had.
From 1993 or before to about 2012, things were really on the upswing.
Since somewhere around 2012, the attitude of studying the test has been overwhelming the education systems.
None of the students have time to read English novels.
They are taught, instead, that if they don't memorize tens of thousands -- I'm not exaggerating! -- of examples of special cases of the most difficult English grammar, they mustn't dare try to read.
So, what's wrong with the above sentence?
It's too long. It's too convoluted. And it's an example of the kind of sentences these students are being taught to write.
No. They are not being taught to simplify first.
My daughter just read over my shoulder and said, no, that's not right. No teacher has actually told her not to read a novel.
But when I asked her if any teacher has recommended reading a novel, no, no such recommendation. And if you look at the volume of homework the kids are assigned, you realize they are implicitly preventing the kids from real reading, and tacitly discouraging such adventures.
My daughter is not convinced. I essentially had to bribe her to try reading
The Wizard of Oz. And homework comes first, so she isn't progressing very quickly.
My daughter has more than one textbook full of really complicated entrance exam questions, with annotation showing which university used each question. (No, she is not taking entrance exams this year.) A typical page groups the questions by some esoteric classification that is only relevant to Japanese academics. I don't want to post the actual questions, lest I run afoul of copyright law, but I'll show you what the page looks like:
- An almost reasonable question on keeping "quiet" vs. "silently", etc., during a heated debate in the middle of a meeting (Debate? Meeting?).
- A reasonable question testing whether the students can remember whether flowers smell sweet or sweetly.
- This one I'll quote, because it's so bad.
Sometimes this engine ( ) wrong without any apparent cause. Answers: goes | comes | makes | leaves
- A reasonable question checking whether they can remember that dreams come true, not make, get, or put.
- A reasonable word order question involving the mere sight of a snake making a child sick.
- A question testing whether the student can "find a book interesting".
Note that, in an appropriate context, none of these except that "engine going wrong" would be a bad example question to study. Even the "engine going wrong" would be a good example of an author not bothering to research his subject.
- 一つは、会議の最中の盛り上がった議論中、「keeping "quiet" 若しくは "silently" など」の意味有りそうな問題です。ただ、原文はどうやら、meeting の間に debate があることを想定しています。その時点からスタイルが外れるのです。つまり、文法的に合いそうなものがあっても、正解がないのです。スタイル上、回答は皆間違っています。
- 一つは、「花が甘い香りを出す」を通常の英語で表す表現について、理にかなった非常に細かい文法の問題です。言語学者が喜ぶ問題です。説明するには
- "smell sweetly" は「甘く香りを嗅ぐ」のように考えて下さい。昔は、 "smell" は匂いや香りを発する意味もあるから、「甘く香りを出す」意味でもあったのです。
- 一方、 "The flower smells sweet." は "smell" が be 動詞の仮仲間であることをもって "The flower is sweet (smelling)." と相当するように解釈して良いという原則がなければ、文法の間違いでした。僕の小学生の頃はまだ、こういう文法を受け入れるかどうかを議論する声もあった。
- 次の例は不味すぎで、危険を犯しても引用します。(詳細は下記説明します。)
Sometimes this engine ( ) wrong without any apparent cause. 回答: goes | comes | makes | leaves
- "Dreams" は make, get, put ではなく "come true"という諺を聞いたことがあるかどうかを診る妥当な問題です。("come true" の熟語動詞は十分普段語です。)
- 蛇を見るだけで子供が病患をする表現のまあまあ妥当な語順問題です。("make sick" も十分に普段語です。)
- 受験者が「本を面白く思える」かどうかを診る妥当な問題です。
一つわかってほしいのは、 "engine going wrong" の問題以外はどれも、場面によっては勉強するに相応しいテスト問題の例です。 "engine going wrong" の問題でさえも、作文者が充分に課題を把握していなかたことの例文に適していると思います。
(I think it is actually an example of a Japanese academic trying way too hard to create an example for "go wrong". If that was you who wrote that, plans go wrong. People go wrong. Engines malfunction, lose tune, misfire, skip a beat, etc. If an engine does go wrong, it generally does not recover very soon.)
(多分、日本の学問者が "go wrong" の例題を作ることに励んで、行き過ぎることのなりがちを見せる実例だったと思います。もし、貴方がそういう文を書いたことがあれば、「計画が行方不明になる」。それとも、「人が道を踏み外れる」。原動機関(車)などは、機能不全になったり、調子悪くなったり、不点火(不着火)したり、拍子外れたり、などします。尚更、原動機関が誤りに行くなら、その原動機関が速やかに正常に戻ることはとりあえず、ありません。
The first problem is teaching complexity instead of the basics. If you keep pushing a horse to run too much faster and farther than it is able, the horse may run today and tomorrow, but it won't run next year.
The second problem is the grouping. With that grouping, there is no context within which the student can understand the either the grammar or the vocabulary.
The third problem is the volume. How do students get their feet on the ground when you keep hitting them with the jet from the firehose?
Context is absolutely vital for both understanding and memory.
And what principles do underly the grouping are not of interest to people using English, they are of interest to Japanese academics trying way too hard to prove they know how to map English to Japanese.
Mapping is neither translating nor understanding. It can be useful when you are having trouble translating or understanding, but it isn't a substitute. (Yes, I still sometimes find myself mapping instead of communicating, but mapping is not communication.)
つなげるのは訳すことでも理解でもありません。理解も訳も難しい時、便利なのがありますが、代わりになるものではありません。 (まあ、僕も意味を伝えるのを諦めてつなげることにしてしまう時はありますが、つなげるだけでは伝達しません。)
You teach English by communicating, not by analyzing.
Teaching the test is not teaching English. It's teaching students to take tests.
You teach English by communicating with the students.
Even if your English is not perfect, you teach far more by communicating with the students.
Don't hide behind the books, use them. Even books like the ones I'm picking apart here. There's no need to use the parts that don't fit in.
Somehow, please give the kids who show even the slightest interest in reading English novels time to try to read a few.
It's that simple.
(Here's a rant on related issues, sorry no translation to Japanese at this time: