My Best Teaching Is One-on-One


Of course, I team teach and do special lessons, etc.


But my best work in the classroom is after the lesson is over --
going one-on-one,
helping individual students with their assignments.


It's kind of like with computer programs, walking the client through hands-on.
The job isn't really done until the customer is using the program.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

cram the cram

My daughter is studying her English homework from the juku. She should be going to visit her grandmother, but she has all this homework from the juku.


I did not want her to go to juku. This is her mother's idea. My wife says it's my daughter's idea, but I don't think so.


Well, okay, it's possible she got the idea at school from her friends.



Here's why I did not want her to go to juku:
rote, rote, rote, rote, rote, rote, tore, reto, oret, roet, otre, oter, roet
400 English vocabulary words that she is supposed to cram into her head over summer.


That's why they call it cram school, right?

そういう訳で塾は「クラムスクール」 とよばれる。な。

No time to think, just write, write, write until it becomes automatic(ally wrong). And then get after the poor kid for the mistakes.


Don't argue with me. I've seen perfectly good students destroy their interest in studying with this kind of attack. I've had to pick up the pieces so many times.


Well, picking up the pieces is part of a teacher's job, so that's not a big deal. Except there are the outlier students that then spend the rest of their junior high school experience fighting the teachers. Maybe, in the third year, before entrance exams for high-school, they come around. But then it's more rebellion in high school, usually.


The explosions, shattering, depression, self-injury, etc., will happen plenty enough, even without the useless rote. This is, after all, junior high school.


Fortunately, I haven't had to witness a suicide attempt (yet). I've got a good school where I teach, the teachers are trained at picking up the pieces and at softening the damage.


My own kids are not so fortunate. And it's somehow harder to pick up the pieces at home, in your own family. But this is part of a parent's job, too. (The final follow-up has always been the parents' job.)


Now, I have seen teachers tell the kids how to do the rote work right. Say, for example, take about twenty words at a time, take a week or more. First time, write the Japanese meaning once, then write the English word or phrase two to four times in the practice notebook on the first day. Do the first time in class, in fact.



For homework, take five minutes a day to run through the list, once each. Not ten times, not five times, once each per day. Then practice other stuff from that week's lesson, stuff from the text that uses the vocabulary.


A little repetition, mixed with working on the meaning, and you work from there on the stuff that doesn't stick.


Of course, some kids will try to do it all at once, so they can get it over with and go play. That's okay. There are, in fact, a few outliers in a different direction, for whom twenty times each all at once works sort of okay. Maybe, for that student, better than the slow, but sure pace. That time around.


But the cram school leaves no time for modifying the approach for individual students' needs.


No time stop for meaning.


No time to think about other ways to use the words.


No time to tie the words in with what they already know.


No time to correct mistakes.


No time to get it right.


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