My Best Teaching Is One-on-One


Of course, I team teach and do special lessons, etc.


But my best work in the classroom is after the lesson is over --
going one-on-one,
helping individual students with their assignments.


It's kind of like with computer programs, walking the client through hands-on.
The job isn't really done until the customer is using the program.


Monday, April 9, 2012

lottery -- くじ引き

(Started this sometime back in March or April, didn't have time to finish or translate it.


My wife and children were listening to Doujou Youzo between NHK language programs this morning. He and his new assistant, Megumi, or Kyu-chan, were talking about the US lottery and comparing it to the Japanese lottery.

今朝、家の嫁、子供は道上洋三の番組をNHK 言語番組の隙に聞いていて、道上と新補佐の愛(めぐみ=「きゅうちゃん」)が米国のたからくじを話題にして、日本の宝くじに比べていた。

The biggest Japanese public lottery is for a JPY ¥600,000,000 jackpot. (About USD $7,000,000 at the current exchange rate.) Apparently, a recent jackpot in the US was for $656,000,000 (Mega Millions, how late did they stay up thinking up that name?), split between three people. That would be, what? about $220 million each.


Hmm. Do they get to decide individually whether to take it lump sum or in monthly payouts?


Lump sum will chew into the total, as will taxes. (Apparently, Japan does not tax their lotteries. At least, the wikipedia articles I read did not mention any taxation.) But, even if they take the lump sum and can't find any shelters to postpone the tax hit, $70 million is not chump change. (English wikipedia article indicates lump sum can cut the total to a third of the published value. Of course, the wikipedia article could be wrong.)


How much would monthly payouts be, assuming a 40 year payout? $460,000 a month?  Income tax is going to take a bite of that, too, but that's still gonna be more money in a month than I've earned in the last five years.


Yeah. I succumb to daydreams about that kind of money sometimes. Even now, I could dream about buying my ISP and starting the next big internet thing.

まあ、空想にふけることもある。今すら自分の ISP を買収して、インターネットの次の大ヒットになる運動を開始する夢が見れる。

But when I think seriously about it, there are a number of problems.


One, money is not value. It is supposed to represent value. Value is something you generate by working an honest job. (Not just realize value, generate it.)


Lotteries suck the value out of our society just like pyramid investment schemes. Do you buy lottery tickets? Even though lotteries are legal, they are not significantly different in effect from Nigeria 419 schemes.


You could, for instance, cut your lottery ticket purchasess by half and take the other half to places like kickstarter.


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