My Best Teaching Is One-on-One


Of course, I team teach and do special lessons, etc.


But my best work in the classroom is after the lesson is over --
going one-on-one,
helping individual students with their assignments.


It's kind of like with computer programs, walking the client through hands-on.
The job isn't really done until the customer is using the program.


Monday, February 17, 2020

Reasons I Write

Apparently there are people in this world who so lack self-confidence that they are ever ready to discourage any person whom they perceive to lack skill from writing.

At least, someone in an SNS group where I participate posted someone else's post that apparently responded to such criticism.

I'm not going to point out all the questions such an attitude must inevitably beg, but I will, just for the record, extract a small quote from the pseudo-author's forward to my current windmill tilting project:
There are five reasons I write:
  • I hope that one day my children will read some of them, and come to a better understanding of their strange dad.
  • Maybe, even if not very many people read my work, there will be someone who will profit from having read something I have written. 
  • Writing, especially extended writing, helps me improve my ability to express myself.
  • Writing fiction is like doing scratch calculations in math. It gives me a chance to explore ideas and choices the real world does not or did not allow.
  • Writing can be therapeutic.
Whether or not these are good enough reasons for you to read what I write, these are good enough reasons for me to write.
Case in point --

The chapter I'm currently working on in the story I linked above includes an interview for an internship. I'm effectively interviewing my twenty-one year-old self. Learning (relearning?) some things about myself that seem to surprise me. (I'll try to remember to come back and link that chapter here when it's done. Here.)

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