My Best Teaching Is One-on-One


Of course, I team teach and do special lessons, etc.


But my best work in the classroom is after the lesson is over --
going one-on-one,
helping individual students with their assignments.


It's kind of like with computer programs, walking the client through hands-on.
The job isn't really done until the customer is using the program.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Taking the Internet with You when You Move in Japan 日本内の引っ越しの際、インターネット接続を継続して持っていくコツ

So, we are in the process of moving.

We have to move because the apartments where we have been living are going to be taken down.

We aren't moving far, and that makes a difference in planning and in carrying things over. The bulk of our stuff was moved several days ago, but we had been moving a little at a time before then.

And since the main move, we've been going back and forth.

I arranged for the utilities at the new apartment to be started early and overlap the move, so we would have light, water, gas, and landline phone when we needed it.

Well, I didn't think the phone through. We needed an additional telephone, as well as the connection, to actually use it. However, it turns out there is another reason for the overlap.

I had wanted the wired internet to overlap as well. So I called a month in advance and was told it was too early. I had to have the telephone before I could get the internet moved over.

Then we got busy, and I finally called the phone company two weeks before the main move.
忙しくなって、引っ越し日の 2週間前になってやっと電話会社に取り寄せることになった。

No. That was not what I wanted to do. I wanted to call the phone company three weeks early, schedule the phone line in the new apartment to start two weeks early, and then call the Internet services provider when the phone line in the new apartment was ready.
イヤイヤ、それはするんじゃなかった。 3週間前に電話会社に連絡し引っ越し先のアパートの電話回線を 2週間早く開始するように取り寄せてから、回線が成立される次第にインターネットサービスプロバイダーに連絡するはずだった。

So, we're here, and my random decision to waste a week's money on a line with no phone means we save a week's wait with the ISP.

If your ISP is NTT, you apparently don't have the wait as long.

(Does that tell you something? Am I theorizing conspiracies? Or is it all just an innocent case of layers of bureacracy? Bwahahahahaha!)

So, here's how to bribe NTT what to do to avoid the wait after you move:
  1. Start your contract and rent for the new place at least two weeks in advance of the main move date.
    引っ越し先の契約及び家賃は、少なくとも引っ越しの日よりも 2週間早い内に開始するようにその契約を結んで家賃を払い始める。
  2. Call NTT 3 weeks in advance of the move date and schedule the new phone line where you're moving to be connected and the billing to start two weeks in advance.
    引っ越しの日より 3週間先にNTTに連絡し、引っ越し先の新規電話回線接続が引っ越しの 2週間前にできるように予定を作る。
  3. Meet the NTT technician at the new place to let him in to test the connection on the sceduled day.
  4. If you want to be able to use the phone line you're paying two weeks extra fees for, you'll need another phone, maybe a new phone or an old one you have lying around.
    新規回線の利用金を余分に払っているその 2週間の間、回線を利用したいなら、別の受話器が必要になる。それは新品の受話器でも、その辺に転がっている古い受話器でも、どちでも良い。
  5. Call your ISP on the day the phone line is connected, to schedule the Internet connection at the new place to begin on the date of the main move.
  6. Wait and hope there are no complications, and pay extra rent and extra phone fees.
Simple, hey?

This works best if you aren't moving very far, and are planning to move in stages anyway.