I do a lot of my programming work in C. That tends to make it inaccessible to
many most of the people I associate with in the real world. (Ergo, disconnected from most of the people in my
Which is frustrating. But there's something that might help (a little).
I'd known about
MinGW (
Minimalist GNU for Windows) and
CygWin (
Cygnus tools for Windows) for quite a while, but it was only recently that I tried MinGW to solve one of the problems I have trying to help the PC club at the school where I have taught for the last five years.
[A little note here, I am currently (as of May 2015) recommending CyGwin instead of MinGW for beginners. Install and use is similar.
--Joel Rees 20150530]
[A further note here, MinGW has moved. The mingw.org domain is apparently not currently (November 2021) owned by anyone associated with the project. The project itself, or perhaps a resurrected project, is now hosted on my favorite project host/public repository, osdn.net.
更なら注釈:ミン・ジー・ダブリューは移動されています。 mingw.org のドメイン名は2021年11月現時点にしては、元々のプロジェクトの人ともう、関係が無いようです。プロジェクトそのものか、もしくは復活されたプロジェクトは、只今、ボクの大好きなプロジェクトホスト・汎用収納庫の osdn.net にて公開開催されている。
-- Joel Rees, 20211120]
C is about the most essential tool in programming. Absolutely fundamental.
But it is hard to get system administrators to let you put a compiler on your workstation, if your job does not seem to require it. Compilers cost money, but that's not the problem. The Intel processors and the MSWindows OS still do not properly protect the system from the adventuresome user, and compilers allow the adventuresome user to go adventuring in the system.
C is considered especially dangerous because of pointers.
Anyway, C is scary. So sysadmins don't help you get it. In fact, they may scream if you follow these instructions on your work PC. But C is important if you want the
freedom to use your tools well, and if you want to teach the fundamentals of computer science in a relevant way.
Anyway, this is something you can do at home on you own PC. And it may help at work if there is a way to get the system admins to allow its installation.
MinGW is small. You can download quickly, or carry it around on USB media, and install it quickly. You can even run it from USB media. The footprint is minimal, so it doesn't leave much behind. Especially, it leaves very little at all behind when MSWindows OS systems are set up to restore the system configuration to the official state at boot-up.
Of course, you shouldn't install it at work without permission, but it's small enough and clean enough that your system administrator may be willing to let you.
So, it provides one potential solution to one part of the problems faced when trying to teach the kids in the computer club how to really use computers. It also may allow me to distribute tools I build for teaching that I write in C. (I plan to write more on that on my
Math and English [or maybe
programming fun] blog.)
(The other big problem is the students' interest. You can't force interest in programming, and trying to make it artificially more interesting than the latest youtube video or free on-line game tends to teach them the bait, not the real reward. Solving this problem just requires patience and creativity and time spent getting to know the students.)
Once you have the permission issues settled, installing MinGW is actually pretty straightforward. The project hosts their distribution on SourceForge, at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/ (But you really want to check the link on MinGW's pages, of course. Search for it with your trusted search engine, satisfy yourself you are going to the right place to download the real thing.)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/ に掲載して公開配布しています。(日本のソースフォージにすると
http://sourceforge.jp/projects/mingw/ ですが、自動的にできたページですのでそれほどの情報がありません。ちなみに、自分で MinGW のサイトに行って、リンクを確認して下さい。自分の信用できるサーチエンジンを使って調べて、本物のダウンロードページに行っていることを確認して下さい。)
Hosting on SourceForge gives a project's potential users some level of confidence that the project is not bait for installing malware, but, ultimately, you have to judge the danger factors for yourself.
They have a GUI installer, so you can download that. Look for the "Getting Started" link. On that page, find the link to "mingw-get-setup.exe". (It will be the same file as you will find on the installer section of the SourceForge download files page.)
グラフィカル感覚のインストーラはあります。それをダウンロードしていいです。"Getting Started" のリンクを探して下さい。そのページには "mingw-get-setup.exe" へのリンクを探したら良いです。(ソースフォージのダウンロードページのインストーラセクションで見つかるファイルと同じです。)
For comparison, the url I have for the getting started page on the MinGW site is
and the link for the Installer download files at SourceForge is
確認するために、ボクが指摘したい MinGW サイトの getting started ページのアドレスは
です。一方、日本ソースフォージサイトの MinGW のこのページ
The graphical installer is small, so it doesn't take long to download, and it manages the rest of the download for you. The rest of the download does take about ten minutes to a half an hour if your computer is reasonably new (within the last five-ten years) and your internet connection is reasonably fast (1 Mb/S or better).
(Click the information button (i in a circle) on the files page in the sourceforge project to show the checksums, if you plan to check those.
There's a chicken-and-egg problem with getting software to check the checksums. I suppose I should do a write-up on
gnupg, too, to show how to start the bootstrap of trust at a different site.)
gnupg の使い方を説明する投稿を私が書くべきです。ね。信用の関係をまた異なるサイトでブートストラップ法を案内すべきです。)
If you click the download link, you get an executable, so you don't have to unzip it. If you want to check the checksum, you should do that before you launch the executable the first time, of course.
The installer has the usual stuff explaining what it does, and asking if you really want to install. Read it. If you are not familiar with the
GPL license, go to the
license pages on gnu.org and get yourself comfortable with the license terms.
GPL の利用許諾条件はあまり詳しくない場合は gnu.org の
If you have questions about the license, more reading is available at the
Electronic Frontier Foundation and the
Free Software Foundation.
Electronic Frontier Foundation (
Free Software Foundation (
Check the certificate. It something looks funny, ask someone. MinGW has a mailing list. (If you ask me here, I'll try to respond, but no guarantees that I'll get back to you very soon.)
証明書を見て下さい。何かおかしいと思われるなら誰かに聞いて下さい。 MinGW はメールリストがあります。(ボクにも聞いていただいてもいいですが、ご返事を指していただきたいのですが、どれほど速やかにできるかは、ごめんなさい。約束できません。)
If you don't feel comfortable, take your time. Back out of the installer. Think about it. Wait for someone on the mailing lists to respond. Patience is part of the cost of freedom.
If you decide you are ready, launch the installer again and proceed to the dialog about which components to install and where. Leave the place (path) to install to as it is, unless you really know you want it somewhere else. (If you know such things, you aren't bothering to read this, now, are you?)
もし納得して、用意ができたと思われるなら、また起動して、何の部品をどこにインストールするかのダイアログまで進めば、インストール位置、いわゆる「パス」=="path" をそのまま置きましょう。(本当にその意味がわかって、別の場所に置きたいなら、この説明をなぜ、わざわざ読む必要があるかが、気になるはずです。)
At the package selection dialog, you want the
C package, of course. You probably want
C++ too, unless you know you don't. Select both.
Unless you know you don't need
msys, you need it. Select it.
msys のパッケージは必要だと思うべきです。確実の不用だとわかっている場合以外は選択して下さい。
MinGW developer toolkit is likely to be useful, too, and doesn't take that much time or space, I'd suggest getting it, too.
If you want to compile anything big you will need it. Yes. Select it.
MinGW developer toolkit の開発者用の道具箱も役に立つはずです。それほどの時間も場所も食わないので選択するのをお薦めします。大きいプログラムをコンパイルする時には絶対に欲しいのです。選択して下さい。
Objective-C? Select them if you think you might be interested, and can stand five to twenty more minutes of download/install time. Or you can get them later with the mingw-get command-line package tool. (Which I describe a bit below.)
Ada や
Fortran や
Objective-C については、面白いと思われるなら選択してもいいでしょう。さら5〜20分掛かるだけです。また、後にコマンドラインのツールの mingw-get を使ってダウンロードできます。(以下は少しだけ触れますが。)
Hit the proceed button and wait. At the end, it asks if you want the shortcuts installed. You probably want at least the one in your "Start Menu". Check that.
Click finish.
There is some talk in the documents about modifying your system path in the control panel. Unless you know you need to, don't. Sure, it's fun to run a C compile from the MS-shell command prompt, but you don't need to do that right now.
Once you have it installed, you can go to the Start menu and find MinGW, and start up a MinGW shell. (You did select
msys, didn't you?)
インストールを完了してから、スタートメニュの中に MinGW を見つけて MinGW のシェルを起動させることができます。(
msys を選んでいるでしょうね。)
You can type in your helloworld.c program using MSWindows's own Notepad text editor accessory, or you can use
vim (You did install the developer tools, didn't you?). Well, okay, if you are still reading this blog instead of
playing with exploring MinGW, you probably want to type in your first program with Notepad, not
vim, but finding where to save it is a bit tricky.
ここでは、エムエスウィンドーズのノートパッド文字エディターを使って helloworld.c のプログラムを打ち込んで良いです。それとも、
vim を使っても良いです。(Developer tools も選んでいますね。)まあ、まだ
vim よりもノートパッドの方が楽でしょうが保存する場所を見つけるのはちょっとコツがあります。
If you left the install path as the installer suggested, your
msys shell's home directory for you is at
msys シェルのホームディレクトリは
(The version may progress from 1.0 sometime. The
username will be your MSWIndows login user name.) That's where you should save your first program. (Oh, and get used to the slashes. MSWindows will show them as it does, yen sign in Japan, backslashes most other places in the world.
msys will show the path name separator as Unix would, with a forward slash.)
(いつか、バージョンが 1.0 から上がっていくでしょうけど。
msys はパスの区切り文字を Unix の世界に従って、正スラッシュの"/"の半角文字で表示します。)
Not sure what program to type in for your beachhead program? Here's a variation on the typical helloworld.c program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
printf( "The compiler is working.\n" );
printf( "1 + 1 = %d\n", 1 + 1 );
Save it under your
msys home directory, as something like "testing.c".
msys のホームディレクトリの下に "testing.c" のような名称で保存して、
Then go to your
msys shell and type in
msys シェルに行って
and hit the enter key. It should show the name you saved the source under in the file listing.
Now assuming you saved it as "
testing.c", type
それで、 "
testing.c" という名前で保存した場合、
cc -o testing -Wall testing.c
If the compiler gives you warnings and errors, check what you typed in the program source. If the compiler says nothing, it worked. Check the results by typing "ls" in the shell and hitting enter again. You should see the executable object,
testing.exe in the list, along with the source file.
コンパイラが警告やエラメッセージを発生してくれるなら、打ち込んだプログラムソースをもう一度確認して下さい。しかし、何の文句が発生されない場合は完成です。結果を確認したいので、もう一度シェルに "ls" を打ってエンターキーを押と、リストの中に、ソースファイルと一緒に
testing.exe も出てくるはずです。
Now try running it. Type
and hit Enter.
If it prints out what the source would lead you to expect it to, you have a functioning C compiler. Cool enough, hey?
Now, about the mingw-get command. Let's get a list of components. type:
では、 mingw-get の命令はどうしましょう?部品をリストアップしましょう。次の命令を打ち込みましょう。
mingw-get list
(I don't know the difference between
list and
show yet.) That scrolls by too fast to get a good look at. Try this, instead:
(今のところ、ボクは list と show の引数の違いがわかれりません。)アアアッ!スクロールが早い!何が入っているか読めない。ヨッシ!次の命令をやってみよ。
mingw-get list | less
You can hit the enter key or the spacebar to scroll through the output.
If that's still too much trouble, or if
less somehow didn't get installed, try this:
それはまだ面倒なら、あるいは less はなんとかインストールしていない場合は
mingw-get list > packagelist.txt
and open packagelist.txt with Notepad or
vim. That allows you to look at the packages available.
と打って、この命令でできるはずの packagelist.txt を Notepad 若しくは vim でを開けば良いです。ゆっくりとダウンロード可能なパッケージを閲覧できます。
You can get the documentation manual pages for installed packages by doing "mingw-get install" on the package from the command line. After the download, it will complain that the package is installed, and then it will proceed to install the manual pages. Which is just what you want.
インストール済パッケージの説明書の man ページをインストールするにはコマンド行から "mingw-get install" を送ることができます。ダウンロードが済んだら mingw がパッケージがもうインストール終わっているのだ文句を言って man ページをインストールしてくれるのです。これで結構です。
Let's check by looking at the man pages for
vim の man ページを出して確認しましょう。
man vim
less or
man or something else important didn't get installed, or if you need man pages, scan through the packagelist.txt file I just told you to create, find the package name for it, and mingw-get install it. For example:
less とか man など、大事な物や、他の man ページなどがちゃんとインストールされていない場合、先ほどの作り方の説明の packagelist.txt ファイルを見て、そのパケージ名を探して、 mingw-get インストールしましょう。例えば、
mingw-get install msys-less
will install
less if it hasn't been installed, and it will install the man pages for
less either way.
less のインストールができていなければ、
less をインストールします。どちらにしても、
less の man ページもインストールしてくれるはずです。
And, of course, there's the help option, to find out what else you can do with mingw-get:
それで、 mingw-get で他にどんなことができるかを見たいでしょう。ヘルプを出しましょう。
mingw-get --help
That should get you started with MinGW.
英語はちょっとつらいけど、これで MinGW を始めることができます。
You can also compile, test, debug, and maybe install software you pick up the source code for elsewhere, of course.
asm68c and
bif-c projects compile okay, but they seem to have some issues in addition to the bugs I'm already trying to make time to fix.
asm68c や
bif-c プロジェクトはコンパイルしますが、只今対処中のバッグ以外に何らかの不具合あるらしい。さて。
Especially, you can
compile and install the *nix basic calculators in the bc package.
*nix 世界の基本電卓の bc パッケージをコンパイルしてインストールできます。
bc is way cool.
bc はすごいです。